What's gonna happen now?

Hi everyone!

So, this is the latest headline regarding the Syria war crisis. As I said yesterday, I'm writing an essay in English about this, so I'll be watching the news very carefully. Although I agree we can't sit back and do nothing, I'm worried for the people of Syria for what's going to happen next....

Anyway, school was fine today. We learned about SLR cameras in photography, and more about soil in geography. There's actually a lot more to learn about than you'd think. Tomorrow, we might actually go out and look at soil. Woah, exciting times!

One of the support for learning teachers, who is also a geography teacher, agreed to help Bianka and I with our homework, as I was finding it quite difficult. We missed most of our 6th period class, but it was a lot of help! He's gonna start running a sort of geography support group last period on a Monday for senior pupils. Bianka can't go (in fact, no-one in my year can except me, as I'm the only fifth year with free periods!), so I'm a bit disappointed with that, but it'll be good, and hopefully helpful - the subjects are a lot harder than fourth year!

Hope you have a good Thursday!

Steven :)

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