Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Awards Ceremony!

Hi everyone!

Today was our awards ceremony! Since I'm 6th year now, I volunteered to help out on the welcoming committee with Bianka and another friend. We stayed behind after school, meaning we had 3 hours to kill! Luckily, I have quite good influence with some of the teachers, and my old English teacher from last year let us stay in her room to watch a movie! We'd brought plenty of food with us, and it was really enjoyable!

Afterwards, we got our awards - I got a merit award (Trying hard, being a pleasant pupil, etc) in English, geography, computing and Support For Learning, and got an achievement award (Doing really well) in photography! As an extra award, my photography teacher got me a book all about natural photograph! These are all the people in 6th year in the same 'house' as me who got awards - I'm standing inbetween the blonde girl and the tallest guy - who is also the school dux, as he got all A's in his exams!

Have a Good Friday!

Steven :)

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