Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Proper drama !! Not even fun stuff ..

Real life drama today ... Let me start at day break ..
5.40 am take Sadie for wee ...
Chase rabbits .. Her,not me ..sign language with German lady by toilets .. Me not the dog .

Later drive to pet shop in Dover for a CHAIN dog lead ... Drive into NO ENTRY road .. Get sworn at ...laugh ..
Back at Tenko (camp very hot ... ) use Tits McGees new toaster bags to make toasted sandwiches .. 89p from Aldi .. THEY WORK !
Begin short convoy to The Krankies (DDLCs) mum and dads ... During convoy I see Wiggy pull up in a perilous place right in front of the road the HGVs pull out of the bit where they unload from the ferries ... I find a bus stop .. Phone her .. She has lost power in her accelerator .. Tits pulls in behind me ... Runs back to rescue the kids ... Wiggy managed to get her car to 10 mph and deliver me Mia who is NOT helpful .. We make decision to put wiggy in front of us and we will put our hazard lights on and follow at 5mph so we can get her off the dual carriage way .. It was quite frankly the most scary drive ever .. More so for Tits ... She was the back of the gang ... Those lorries are bloody massive .. We managed to get Wiggy to outside The Krankies and the AA man came after 2 hours and sorted some kind of blockage ... In the car ,not Christine ...
Superb BBQ ... 9 children .. 3 dogs and 6 adults ..
Then we drove up to Margate !! In the arcade the children 'won' got ripped off tickets for shit prizes .. They loved it ...
Drove back ... It is almost midnight ..
Sorry about lack of commenting ... I will catch up x

Ps ..Marley tipped little Chazminda down the garden steps and Joss threw hot tea on Tits tits ...

Blip is Margate and some of our motley crew loitering with the dogs ...

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