Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Where's the aftersun? I'm peeling

Grass didn't get cut yesterday and I doubt that it is going to get cut today either. Too busy. Hopefully it will be dry at the weekend and I can cut it then.

Although I only put on 4 1/2 lbs in Germany, it all goes to my waist, so I feel like the Mitchelin Man, especially when sitting down which I do too much of having a desk job. Lost another pound, but that's not enough. I need to get back to the gym/exercise classes and tighten those stomach muscles. Helps to keep the spare tyre pulled in rather than hanging over the waistband of my trousers in the classic 'muffin top'.

Lost to Tim at squash last night. First time this year. I blame the weight, although my strategy may have had something to do with it. At 2 all, and only a few minutes left to play I had already settled on a draw but when Tim pulled ahead, and the clock hadn't run down, my downfall was sealed. Serves me right. Should have been more competitive. I blame Diana - she tries to beat it out of me as she is very much of the 'its the taking part that counts' school of thought. Not her fault. She works in a primary school where this is the ethos, so sports day is nothing of the sort.

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