Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

Fond Memories in the Foyer

I bunked off work to see Shakespeare for Breakfast with another couple of friends who had come to town for the Festival. Once that was done I bunked of from the Festival to go to the Cameo to see the new film from Studie Ghibli, From Up On Poppy Hill, which was wonderful.

I had to go into the bar to buy my ticket and when I came out a waft of warm popcorn-scented air hit my nose and I had one of those olfactory memory moments that hit you sometimes. The smell reminded me of glorious days of cinema going as a youngster, I think mostly at the Dominion Cinema. I remember being taken by my Grandmother to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarves there and it being just the two of us so it was such a treat (I have 2 siblings).

Ah, the movies make me happy :o)

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