
By Abbas

Innocence and Face

Childhood is characterized by innocence and it is the period of life free from all woes and worries. During this golden time children just demand bunch of sweets with no interference. They quarrel but soon start playing together without any resentment in hearts because innocence prevails.

With growing age this innocence fades away and purity of innocent face gets affected by harsh realities of life. In this way, a face that was a reflection of innocence becomes collection of many faces. We have different faces for different people.
In the early life our face portrays warmth of love and sincerity but with the passage of time same face can not be used for such feelings for every one. (Perhaps wisdom prevails)?
Anyhow, human faces express hundreds of emotions and have its? own language of expression. But I don?t know where does face innocence go with time and never comes back.

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