
By Abbas


Flowers are a great source of aesthetic happiness for all of us. They provide soothing effect to sore eyes. Historically flowers have been used on various occasions like wedding, welcome parties and funeral ceremonies too. Throughout Flowers have maintained their significance and have added colour to our life.
Poets have also been inspired by flowers and they employed different flowers to narrate beauty symbolically and metaphorically. Birds and bees are fond of flowers. Honey bee is performing excellent service for by collecting nectar from wide ranging flowers.
Flower flagrance enhances the freshness of mind and soul. Flower can also be used to wake up someone beloved but it should not be thrown with vase. I personally like Jasmine flowers? perfume A Punjabi verse. ?Ek Phul motia da mar ka jaga soniay? (You can wake me up by throwing a flower of Jasmine or Motia.) The only problem with flowers is that they have short life span. Why they become useless when they become dry?

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