
By Charlie17

A Stick!

What to blip today?
How about a stick.
So here it is.
It measures just over a metre in length and is quite heavy, 2.7 kg or 6lbs. The wood feels petrified, ( a bit like the heron yesterday!!)
I bought it at a roup ( auction sale) about twenty years ago for something like £2.
But what was it for, if anything?
I sent a photograph of it to the British Museum and they thought it was a piece of walnut that had been attacked by the walnut twig beetle.
When I have shown it to people, suggestions as to its use include a book! a club, a walking stick, a crutch and a very big match!
It's too big and heavy to be a knobkerrie or shillelagh I think.
Perhaps it's just a stick!
I'm not really into the bad vibes thing, but somehow, I prefer this to be kept in the shed!!
P.S. The grass is looking okay!
P.P.S. Off for the night to stay with friends. Our daughter is looking after the dogs, rabbits etc.
Have a good weekend.

" Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how drunk you get." Homer Simpson

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