But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

The Little Breeders.

Went to the small animal emporium this afternoon to get some wild bird food (we spend a fortune on our feathered friends) where I saw this notice. I’m sure rabbits prefer to live in pairs, I’m equally sure that they prefer not to be neutered.

When I was a young apprentice I worked on computer design; this was before the days of microchips, we were barely into transistors and a miniature computer occupied a six foot tall double door cabinet. The “disk” drive that I remember was a “Winchester drum” since it was the same size as the Winchester chemical bottle (capacity, half a gallon). Wikipedia claims the Winchester disk was named after the rifle and developed in 1973, but I am going back another decade. The capacity must have been no more than a few tens of kilobytes compared with the terabyte jobs we have now which occupy a mere 3 cubic inches. The reason for mentioning it is that in those days we had “rabbits,” they were each a few bytes of code that sat in the memory and did nothing but produce copies of themselves, they did so until all the storage space was occupied and the computer crashed. Now we would call them viruses.

Back to the present, we went on to start mowing the lawn; for a month or more we’ve been walking round the garden with eyes cast downwards in an effort not to tread on the froglets. So I slowly mowed while Mrs TD swept a path in front of the mower. After covering a linear yard and seeing a dozen or so of the critters hopping to safety, we gave up and got on with other garden tasks. I guess it will be a month before we try again.

Today's back blip is "Watch Out" from the 25th August.

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