Travels Through A Lens

By SnapshotSam

Festival Site

Had to send an e-mail and finish my timesheets in extra quick time before I could log off, grab my jacket and jump on the train to the Bingley festival. It's on my usual train route home and extra packed with people heading to the festival too.

This is a typical festival site I wanted to capture now we are nearing the end of the summer which brought with it lots of sunshine and music.

The Human League and The Neville Staple Band were playing tonight and I was right at the front. God, I felt old yet young at the same time! The Human League had a loud base that was reverberating through my body as I stood in front of the huge speakers and Philip Oakey was moving around the stage so fast I couldn't get a decent picture of him with the iPhone. My camera battery died on me. Superb evening.

Lie in tomorrow. It's not a camping festival and only down the road from me anyway so my comfortable bed beckons.

Happy Weekend Fellow Blippers :)

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