Garage Sale "Find"

Don't tell anybody, but maybe the last 10 years that I delivered the mail...I started hitting the garage sales that were on my route. I rarely bought anything...just browsed around.

At one such sale... I spotted this handsome painting of the reindeer. The price tag said 4 dollars. Take your pick...A. I thought it was too much to pay. B. It was worth it...but I was too cheap to pay it. I wanted to pay 2 bucks for the 2 "bucks." HA! Whatever the reason...I walked away.

Move ahead to the next day. I get to the ladies house, and the painting is at the curb...2 reindeer waiting for the garbage truck. I finished the swing, and stopped and picked it up. 4 dollars...pshaw...not for this guy. A freebie...that's what she be.

It now graces the inside of my garage...not quite pretty enough for my den.

To finish the garage sale story...I finally did buy something at a sale. A pair of cross country skis...complete with the boots. The lady asked..."Do you want to come back and pick the stuff up?" Me...being just a tad stubborn...replied..."Nah...I'll carry them with me."

I had 5 houses left until I got back to my truck. I rounded the corner to hit one of our main avenues. A horn honked. It was my supervisor. He smiled, and shook his head back and forth. What are the odds of that happening?

We had "words" the next day...but he wasn't too upset.

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