The 3 Faces of Eve (or Steve)

I'm assuming that the batch of ducklings that I was photographing today will be the last of the season. The days are getting shorter...the sun is setting sooner... Summer be almost gone.

Mama duck let me creep to within maybe 8-9 feet. A woman walking her spotted Dalmation came close to ruining my "duckling moment." I reached deep into my Disney knowledge, and lashed out..."HEY!!! CRUELLA DeVILLE!! BACK AWAY FROM THE SIDEWALK!!"

She shirked and slinked away, and I think the poor dog lost a couple of her spots. duck family stayed in place.

I put a couple shots of mom and babes on my FLICKR PAGE, along with 2 other ducks.

I'm off to my desk (the kitchen table) to finalize my vacation plans. Must keep my dad and my 2 sisters happy. Leaving Sunday after church.

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