Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Ironing my onesie

On a cool temperature. Don't want any scorch marks!

On a more serious (but not very serious in the scheme of things) note, how ever did onesies ever catch on? Let's be honest, what we are really talking about here is an adult baby grow. I'm willing to accept that young teenage girls can just about get away with wearing one in the house, but I recently saw a grown lad walking down the street in one. They even had them in the mens section of the latest Matalan catalogue to fall through the letterbox. I mean really?

OK. Rant over. Boring day. Spent too much time on this picture. Have some rather dodgy pictures of myself that I need to remove all trace of. Have the grass to cut, shopping to do and work (as in office) to do. Blah.

That sounded like another rant. Must be hungry. Time to feed myself me thinks.

P.S. If you are wondering why I have my head held s high, it's simple. I couldn't bear to look down when that photo was taken :-)

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