
By Stace91


Saturday!! And a busy one it was...

We had my niece over last night as she had to go get her flower girl dress fitted today for my sisters wedding. This morning we went to the hair dressers and then off to the bridal shop, my sister tried on her dress and she looked stunning, Stacy-Lee tried on her flower girl dress and she looked like a little princess, will be gorgeous on the day.

After the bridal shop we headed off to the main shopping complex in parramatta to buy Stacy-Lee some shoes for her holy communion coming up... Shoe shopping for children = not fun!!

We stopped by my Nan's house to pick her up some things and to say hi to my brother, lucky for us my cousin was over so I got to see her and my baby cousin... Love them to bits xx

Off to the hospital we went to see Nan. I have to say I'm not happy with the hospital she is at now, to be honest I find the staff to be quite lazy and rude. I can't say to much to them just yet though because I don't want them mistreating her when no one is there to watch what is going on. But on Monday I will be watching them closely and if anything catches my eye I will be definitely standing up and giving them a piece of my mind because that for sure is not on.

Nan seemed to be in good spirits when we were there after she told us some of the crap she has had to deal with... (some of these nurses... Makes my blood boil!) I will be back to see her again tomorrow.

My uncle brought these flowers in for her and I really like them, the colours are amazing and bright and lift the room up a little. You have to take a photo of flowers when their colours are this stunning :-)

Now I'm home and looking forward to a good nights rest before another day of running around.

Hope you're all well and taking care of yourselves and one another.

Enjoy your weekend, Father's Day tomorrow hope all of you daddy's are going to be spoilt!


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