
By Stace91

Fortune Cookie Wisdom

To all the amazing dads out there, Happy Fathers Day!

Everything Dad

A little girl needs her daddy
To love her with manly charm,
To soothe her when she's hurt,
And keep her safe from harm.

A girl needs her dad
To show her a man who's good,
To help her make right choices,
As only a father could.

A woman needs her father
Just to be aware,
He'll always be there for her
To sustain her and to care.

You've been all these things, Dad.
I hope that you can see
How much I treasure you;
You mean everything to me.

Joanna Fuchs

We had a lovely day today. Took dad out for a nice lunch with the family and then went to see nan.
Dad enjoyed his day, and loved his prezzies. It was nice to sit and relax for a little, spending time with those we love and to share a meal.

We went to our favourite Chinese place and this was the fortune I received! I liked it, "goals are dreams with deadlines" it's very true!

If you want something go and get it, nothing is impossible you just have to be willing to try and make a few sacrifices. But we should always give ourselves goals even if they're small, the more we can accomplish the better we will feel :-)

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend :-)

Thank you for the stars, favs and comments on yesterday's photo, alway appreciate people stopping by.

As we enter a new week, be sure to take care of yourselves and why not try to make a few goals, set those tiny deadlines and work towards your dreams one day at a time :-)

Lots of love
Stacy xx

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