
By cowgirl

Way to go, Tyler!!!

Thought I'd share an article in this weeks local newspaper, The Wiltshire Times.

Here he is before the op, looking chipper, but unable to get out of bed.

Here he is a week after the transplant.

His recovery has been amazing and competing in the Transplant Games is almost a miracle, but one that has been so generously facilitated by the donor family. As Ali says in the report, the most emotional moment was when the donor families entered the stadium.

Organ donation was always something I intended to do but hadn't got around to it. Tyler's sudden heart failure and subsequent wait for a replacement heart spurred me to sign up on-line. So heart breaking to read of those that died whilst on the waiting list ... If I have to go whilst my organs are still useful then I hope to be of some help. Everything must go! Whatever they can use they can have. The rest can go to medical science. I must make a will ...

Anyway - hope you're all having a great weekend!

C'mon Andy!! If you're going to keep me up half the night listening to the radio commentary, you'd better keep winning!

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