Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Trust me... I'm a pyromaniac.

Yes... I actually said those words to my friend when we got to the middle of the night part of the shoot.
When we met up yesterday afternoon, the following conversation happened.

Peter: So, you know how we were going to be burning roses...? Well.... Um... It turns out fresh roses don't burn. Too much moisture.
Me: ...Unless you're friends with a pyromaniac...
Peter: EH!?
Me: Okay, not an all out pyro, but I do like playing with fire, I'm just not stupid enough to do it without due care.
Peter: ...O...kay...
Me: Douse the roses in something like hairspray, or deoderant. Simple. Do those photos in the middle of the night when it is DARK, and we will get some really amazing colours coming from the flames because of the chemicals.
Peter: Isn't that a little dangerous?
Me: Trust me. I'm a pyromaniac... With a brain. You're in safe hands with someone who knows the risks and safety precautions. I will douse them, you light them, that way you don't have the risk of igniting because of the misty bits of spray.

When about to do the burning roses part of the shoot...
Me: Right... If that doesn't friggin' ignite....
Peter: .......WHAT?!

Then this face happened.

No Peters or Katherines were harmed in the making of this blip.
Trust me... I'm a pyromaniac.

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