Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

something's gotta give

At this stage, I am not ready to give details...

This is my dad. Nine weeks ago he was diagnosed with stage three renal cell carcinoma. Yesterday he had a kidney, ureta and his spleen removed. Its all very rapid, aggressive, and the whole thing has been one hell of a rollercoaster.
Despite the surgery, there is no guarantee he will survive the next few months. Nobody knows, and we won't know until he either loses the battle, or he gets the 'in remission' stamp in three years.

Today little dude and I went to see him. While he has good colour in his skin, this was not an easy sight for either of us... He was masking the fact he was sore, and realising that he is in fact human and has emotions (he is an emotional retard, for lack of better words)...

Guess I will see how things are tomorrow.

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