Home and Dry

A big day of travel. We had an errand to run to Inverness this morning. After that we returned via Aviemore where I had a site tender visit. We left the A9 at Carrbridge and took Caley for a wee walk in the woods between the old A9 and Docharn Farm. This is very close to where we stayed on our October holiday last year.
As we thought we would, we had lunch at the fabulous Mountain Café in Aviemore. It says it all that folk (including us) are prepared to wait in a queue on the stairs to get a table. They seemed a bit short staffed but when the food came it was really excellent.

The site visit came next and M and the boys joined me on the walk through. Caley wasn’t allowed on this site.

Caley had enjoyed several wee walks through out the day but his body language suggested he needed another stretch. M felt all the usual walks nearby had been over used of late so I suggested going over the Spean River on the stepping stones and walking a bit toward Monessie. We went with that.

M had her wellies on and navigated the stones (stepping and wading) very well and safely in both directions. I had my normal hill boots which leak a lot these days and this forced me to hop boulder top to boulder top.

A few seconds after I took this shot I slipped off one of the boulders you see (It was unexpectedly slippery on the way back) and I got soaked. I was briefly flat on the river bed and I think only my shoulders remained dry.

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