
By upnorth

All aboard!

Spent the morning cleaning house and grocery shopping. Saw smoke from the train on my way home so drove ahead to a crossing to get a shot. The horn was blowing and it was going chugachugachuga. it was quite thrilling. We have a train museum in Duluth which runs excursion trains back and forth from Duluth to Two Harbors. They only run this steam engine once or twice a summer and more in the fall.
After lunch I got together with Jill to go kayaking on Lake Superior. She just got one of those boards you stand up and paddle on so she took that while I used her kayak. I got too much sun! Guess I should have slathered more sun screen on.
Tonight Kevin, Mary, Melissa and Dan are coming here for a fajita dinner cooking to be done by Chef Monte.
Monte made a fabulous dinner of pheasant, grouse and venison fajitas. I contributed salsa made with our tomatoes and Mary made some fabulous brownies. Dieting the rest of the week!

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