
By BoydMcAdam

Office show

As Chairman of the office Gardening and Craft Club the past few days have been focused on our one main annual event - the show. Some of our members have retired and have more time to tend their gardens or to sew or cross stitch or embroider. One of them, Sandy, is a former senior agricultural officer from the Scottish Office and his skills - even in his 80s - are still evident in the leeks and onions and cabbage and marrow in the foreground !

For most of us our efforts are more modest. An incentive for new entrants is the prospect of winning some silverware for getting the most points in veg, plants and cut flowers but never having won a cup before. Of the 4 new entrants this year two won cups! A good time was had and much
of the produce on display was auctioned off afterwards. Homes are well adorned with flowers .. And a lot of soup is made!

As for me - second overall and a cup or two. And I got firsts for my photos. So I'll keep on blipping.

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