
By BoydMcAdam

It has to be fireworks

.....again. Tonight saw the closing fireworks of this year's Edinburgh Festival. It was a windy evening, so much so they prevented us for going onto the Mound. The police described it as a "sterile" area! What they meant was there was a risk of debris. So we reverted to Waverley Bridge.

That meant we were further away from both the music and the views of the atmospheric fireworks on the battlements. A bit overdone this year I thought and for those of us downwind frequently hidden in the smoke. It may have looked better from the gardens - but we did not have tickets. At the end, the finales had some magnificent high bursts. This photo gives a sense of the display. Because of where we were there was no chance to set up the tripod so with the wind as well I am pleased this came out.

No more fireworks until Hogmanay (possibly)!

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