
By Charlie17

The Party's Over!!

Bandit: So Dylan, have you recovered from that party we had the other night when our "owners" were away?
Dylan: Just about, but oh my sore head and ears!
Bandit: Your ears Dylan?
Dylan: Well, the butterflies thought it would be a bit of a laugh if they all settled on my ears, all 227 of them!
Bandit: It was the newts that got me. I don't know how many bottles of beer they got through!
Dylan: Yeah. Now we all know where "pi..ed as a newt" comes from!
Bandit: I know we told our mice pal to bring his family, but all 116 of them!
Dylan: Pity the snails didn't make it.
Bandit: They did set out, but not early enough.
Dylan: And as for the frogs and the toads! I can't believe they had a punch up over who could hop the furthest.
Bandit: Why did you choose "Like A Rolling Stone" for your karaoke song?
Dylan: Didn't I write it!
Bandit: What did you think of all the birds?
Dylan: They didn't mix very well,
Bandit: But, birds of a feather etc....
Dylan: Still, it was a great night. If only our "owners" knew what we get up to!

Enjoy Sunday.

Sent from my iPad

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