
By cracker

Riding animals!

Today is Fathers Day which is always a bit funny in our house since Spence and Joti have two mums not a mum and a dad. At school the kids were making things for their father, grandfather or special adult. It was great timing that grandpa Stu is up here staying with us at the moment so Spence drew him a picture and wrote why he loves him. They also had a stall at school on Friday so Spence bought Stu a cap and a fridge magnet which he was very excited about! Spence couldn't wait until Grandpa Stu got up this morning to give him his presents! It was very cute.

It doesn't seem to bother Spence that he doesn't have a Dad. If the other kids ask him about it, he tells them that he is lucky because he has two mums. The kids seem to agree with him! Occasionally he says he wishes he has a Dad but we ask him what a Dad could do that we don't do, and he cant really tell us! Kaz and I are not girly girls, we are both sporty, Kaz does renovations, I was a fire fighter! He is not missing out on anything! He has two grandfathers, a great grandfather, three uncles and we have some lovely male friends that he sees, so there are male influences around him!

Anyway, today we took Stu and Sue to Australia Zoo! They had never been before and if wax something sue really wanted to do. We paid for Stu's ticket as his Father's Day present!

We had a great day! The kids loved seeing all the animals! Joti is at an age now where she knows lots of animals and gets really excited! We saw the croc show, saw the rhinoceros, giraffe, zebra, red panda, kangaroo, koala, wombat, echidna and fed the elephants!

We were there for six hours and were all exhausted by the time we got home!!

Here is Spence on a tortoise and Joti on an alligator!

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