
By MerlotsDad


Being a member of the Daisy family, Feverfew can also be brewed up to make a herbal remedy for migraine.

Round to the bungalow today removing stuff from the walls & filling the holes. Also tidied the front garden a bit. Managed to get the single bed in the car but the only trouble was I couldn't get in. So I definitely need a man with van to shift the remaining stuff.

I went out & trimmed the hedge a few minutes ago, turned around & there was Peter standing there watching me. We sat on the wall & chatted, then Dave (opposite) came over & joined us followed by Stuart next door. Its a good job no-one else came along cos my wall would never hold more than 4 at once !

Having put the world to rights I am sitting here typing this & will be trying the new printer in a few minutes.

Don't forget you can press L for Large...

Here is an old tune...

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