Double Shot Mummy


Back in the Sandpit

Stu was pleased with the supplies I so thoughtfully brought back. The Marmite should last us at least a month. Bailee and Oscar were delighted to see their daddy at the airport. Our luggage only just managed to fit in the car. It was a tight squeeze!

The flight went very well. Aunty KP was an awesome help. All three kids slept 6 hours straight after we left Melbourne. We managed to eat and I almost watched an entire movie. 19 hours of flying tends to go much quicker with children. They keep you so busy, you never get the chance to feel that, "OMG I can't believe we still have 15 hours to go" moment. Ordering the gluten free options for Oscar was a good move, he didn't vomit this time. I don't recommend the kids meals for children. Hyping them up on cakes, sweets and treats is not a good move for flying. We took our own treats to supplement the meals. 3 people commented on how 'good' the trio were, I felt very proud.

I think Aunty and I got 2 hours sleep over the whole flight. It was to be expected but you can forget how awful jetlag can feel!

It is very warm in Dubai..... that burst of hot air when you leave the airport doors always staggers me.

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