The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Goodbye Old Friend

Well it had to happen eventually - My old Pentax K10 has hit fleabay to fund an upgrade. It's been a great camera - robust, waterproof and takes any old pentax lens going back to pre-history. But it's showing its age now.

UPDATE: I've sold it already (monday 2nd) at the (very reasonable) asking price!

I thought of migrating completely to micro four-thirds. The OMD-E5 was particularly tempting .. weatherproof and an enticing live bulb mode where you can watch long exposures burn in. But its an expensive system with pricey lenses too and the small sensor is too risky for the night photography I enjoy - getting lots of noise on my Olympus Pen with the very long exposures - but it's fantastic for most everything else.

So I've plumped for the Pentax K5 which should arrive in the next few days followed by a brace of Sigma lenses (10-20mm and 105mm macro). The K5 is virtually the same as the K5 II and half the price at the moment while dealers clear their shelves. It's also half the price of the Canikon equivalents, and weatherproof into the bargain, so Pentax won me over in the bang for bucks stakes again. Loyalty comes at a price with me - a low one!

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