I mustn't bite the Judge

This is me, a Standard Wire Haired Dachshound being judged  at the Annual Calverhall Family Day and oh! the indignity of it all.  Firstly I'm plonked on the Judge's table as I'm a small breed.  He looks at my teeth to see that I 'm not wearing dentures, perhaps??  He gazes deeply into my eyes and examines the stop  between my eyes;  he examines my occipital protuberance to see that I have a nice rounded skull;  he looks at my chest to see if I have plenty of heart room;  he picks up my feet one by one to examine my pads and nails to see if I have good bone;  he runs his hand over my coat to check the density (I have a double coat, you see) and then the worst bit of all ..............  as I'm a boy he investigates my rear end to check that I am entire;   I ask you, and it is at this point I could have most certainly bitten the Judge, but I didn't or even growl.  After all of that I'm helped off the table where I am obliged to walk nicely beside my owner with a pleasant air and my head held high.  Hmmmm, I have no option but to hold my head high as she  is holding the lead way too high and is nearly strangling me.  I have to walk forward and back in front of the Judge so he can check my action.  After all that rigmarole I didn't even get the first prize which went to a very good looking German Short Haired Pointer here - but oh boy! doesn't she look bored?   I did get a prize though, a rosette for my owner and a packet of treats for me!!!

My friend Susan, #1 daughter Lucy, and I have had a great time at this lovely locally run Family Day -  lots to see and do and  there was still time at the end of the day to get some jobs done in the garden.

Its been a good weekend - hope yours has been too.

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