1st Sunday Of The Season

Apart from the one's at Christmas and Easter there are now no more free Sundays until 4th May 2014 - the Rugby Season has arrived. What was and will again become the norm over the coming months started again this morning;
Up for coffee for me> Bacon into the pan > Wake Joshua > Breakfast of a bacon sandwich and OJ for Joshua > Change into his kit > leave for the match/training.
Registration day today followed by training, Joshua is looking forward to the season, as reported in the papers today;
"Rugby is widely regarded as an excellent game for children; it promotes social and psychological skills as well as physical strength, endurance, speed and agility. Unlike soccer it also encourages discipline, sportsmanship and teamwork. "

Luis started his season this weekend with two matches, one Saturday and one Sunday.

This afternoon after cleaning the car and doing the oil/water etc I finally made it to the Princes Pavilion to see one of the brass bands playing.

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