September Challenge - End of Summer

Day 1 of DDW's September daily challenge - End of Summer

I shall be following DDW's challenge this month, but will also see if I can match it up with HeartFreek's as well from time to time (which I didn't do today).

End of Summer means the beginning of Autumn and harvest time. I don't grow my own fruit and veg (intentionally, anyway), but do have a fine selection of brambles (definitely unintentional) and a couple of fruit trees. It's still a bit early for the fruit on the trees to be ready for harvest (remember the poor start to the summer this year?), but the brambles are in full swing.

So I have been busy harvesting blackberries over the last few weekends, and now have a good stock in the freezer, as well as having blackberry yoghurts (using free blackberries and Smart Price yoghurt (because that's the only unsweetened, unflavoured yoghurt in the store)). Blackberry and apple crumble this weekend revealed that my son isn't keen on blackberries, so it looks like I've got a good stock of them for me alone!

I had help in picking them today, just as the task was almost done, with the smallest going for the biggest fruit of course.

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