
By Marychristine16


Went for our usual walk on the koppies and came across this magnificent aloe. I was intending to get a picture of the daisies that should be blooming in their masses but alas not many to be seen.
I was reminded of my childhood in Riversdale and being woken up in the morning by the most beautiful singing. The high school pupils decided to serenade their teachers to mark the first day of Spring. I remember my Dad going out onto our front stoep in his gown to thank them.
One of the songs that they probably sung has been churning around in my head all week end. It tells about the veld being merry with birds singing, crickets chirping and grasshoppers leaping, bugs scrambling, ants dancing etc
" Al die veld is vrolik
Al die voeltjies sing.
Al die kriekies kriek daar buite
Elke springkaan spring
Hier galop 'n goggatjie, daarso dans 'n mier.

In the afternoon we went for a drive with a tea basket. Lovely open spaces and we were thrilled to see a group of young Kudu. It is always such a thrill to see these creatures because they are free and do not belong to any one. I am going to put some of these photos on my blipfolio. Have a peep if you have time.

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