Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Today has been a fab day. We've been to High Lodge at Thetford Forest centre and we met up with lots of friends for a picnic, a birthday celebration, and lots of playing in the park. There is an adventure playground which is great fun including a really lovely musical trail through the woods. The children all had a fab time, all 13 of them (ranging from 0- nearly 12), building dens, making music, climbing, playing, swooshing, sliding and jumping about. The "grown-ups" got to catch up which was great, and we all shared in Emma's birthday who is 10 today.
Afterwards some of us headed to a local eatery for a yummy dinner, which was both very welcome and very yummy. And four very tired children were taken back to the campsite afterwards for a big last sleep in the tent this summer.

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