Glade Creek Grist Mill

After visiting the capitol of West Virginia (Charleston), we set off on the Midland Trail (Hwy. 60).

It is a long stretch of road dominated by spectacular scenic features, and communities left down-trodden after businesses left town. looks like the residue of coal has left it's mark on everything. Dirty...gritty...poor.

This is the Glade Creek Grist Mill. It looks real old, like something from the late 1800's. is 6 mills put together to form one, sometime in the late 1960's. Still very pretty.

Flickr seemed to work for me tonight, so if you want to see a better picture of the mill, and some capitol pictures...please look HERE.

I chose this picture because my dad and one of my sisters are on the large rock, and my other sister is waiting to help them down. It seems like we are all getting to the point where we are struggling with our sense of balance. Not fun.

We are now spending the night in Lexington, Virginia...a place that Shelley (Naturelover) and her husband know well. Their son went to college here.

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