Stormy Weather

We were driving home in this weather today. It was raining so hard the windshield wipers could not keep up. In between swipes of the wiper blades, this is what it looked like. I liked how, when looking through the wet windshield of the car, it made the view ahead of us look like a watercolor painting. I was so tired from not sleeping last night that this was my best option for a Blip today.

I finally edited my blip from yesterday when I saw Harry Connick Jr. Check it out. Our friends who we saw the show with offered to have us spend the night since they were an hour closer to Atlantic City than we were. It was so late when we got to their house that I was happy we had taken them up on their offer. Unfortunately, my husband normally uses a cpap machine when he sleeps to keep him from snoring (and to help him breath of course). Well I guess the excitement of the meeting Harry Connick Jr coupled with his snoring made it impossible for me to sleep. Ah well, it was worth a sleepless night to get a chance to meet a celebrity.

Today was a lazy day with the exception of driving home in this stormy weather.

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