Busy Busy Squirrel

Oh man! What a day. It started with an acquaintance of my husbands knocking on our door wayyyyyyyyy too early. 6:30 type early. He didn't even have a good reason. oh dear. I made the best of it, and lay in bed reading.

When I finally got up, we went about clearing the living room for more painting. What a task, but I'm loving the fresh clean look.

Later we just HAD to go out and check on the baby bunnies. It is our duty. It is a hard job but someone has to do it. You feel so sorry for us, right? I mean look at this tiny little thing! Who wants to hold THAT? Well.......my little Sugar sure does. This is our baby peanut. He/she is the runt of the litter. Such a sweet little honey.

The trees above the rabbit cage was ALIVE with pine squirrels. So very fun to watch them busily eating. We love to watch them balance along the limbs. Little acrobats they are.

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