Mono Monday

Gosh....I need to keep up on these. It has only been 2 days...and I can't remember what I did on Monday.

I do know that The Sugar and I were home alone, and it was quiet....and lovely. We did a variety of cleaning projects...but mostly made a mess. We started work on her Halloween costume, but mostly made a mess. We cleaned the kitchen...but mostly made a mess. Do you see a pattern here? I do. I started the day with every intention of making things BETTER around here, and it is messier than before. BUT.....we had a great day.

We couldn't spend the entire day inside though, so we went out to play with the baby bunnies. All our animals joined us. Toby cat enjoyed the sun .....and I loved capturing his little paws in the warm light.

Sugar was talkative, and we had such great conversations. I cherish these type of days together.

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