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By pplnani


I had a painful trip to the GP's, who proceeded to prod, poke and bend me in ways I really didn't want to be bent, so I really didn't feel up to blipping yesterday. The GP's diagnosis was a damaged/inflamed nerve running from my lower back and down my legs and referred me for a MRI scan to see if anything other than a bulging disc is causing it. As it's not urgent I was told not to expect an appointment for the scan until the new year!!! Then more bad news came in the prognosis that it would probably take weeks but more likely months to get better - just keep taking the painkillers and keep as mobile as it will allow but don't push the boundaries too quickly, so as driving is sooooooo painful I'm probably stuck at home for the foreseeable future :-((((((((
Enough of the depressing stuff and I promise I won't go on about it all the time but you might have to put up with mostly garden photos for a while. I will try to be a bit more creative, it will be a good challenge for me.
Thank goodness for Blip, at least I can still just about manage to do that :-))

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