Maeve the Deerhound

23.5C with blue sky, fluffy white clouds, and a good breeze.

At long last I got round to making the further cuts that I had designed recently for the last lino block from last year at Bridge House Art. The block depicts the standing stones on Machrie Moor, Arran. I made two frottage type rubbings with Neocolor I wax pastels on newsprint to test the new image and am happy with the result. The next step is to ink up the block and make one or more prints. I'll try to get round to that soon !

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk before lunch and before it got too hot for Maeve. In the field with the bridle path I let her off the lead and she wandered about for a while then followed me down towards the shore. I got some pictures as she wandered about. I have other pictures from today. Good pieces of green Sea Glass on a rock, boats, and seascapes like yesterday's. But I like this one. I like that she looks happy. So often she has a very sad or neutral expression. Best viewed large.

When we got down to the beach we wandered along the sand. Maeve seemed to want to paddle. The tide was out, but I managed to find some pools amongst the rocks for her and further along near the moored boats she got off her lead again and to my surprise and delight wandered through the shallows before standing still for a while in water about six inches deep.

When Maeve came out of the water we walked up to the seats by the car park at Westhaven and I sat for a few minutes to enjoy the view and the warmth. Maeve stood facing me and occasionally looked about.

September. Still over 20C. Nice cooling breeze. Wonderful !

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