Look Out ! No Brakes !

22.2C with cloud clearing in the afternoon to blue sky. Breezy.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for a walk before lunch. It was cooler this morning. When we got to the field with the bridle path I let Maeve off her lead. She wandered about while I walked on down the field using one of the wheel tracks left by the Combine Harvester as a path. I took some more photos of her as she had a sniff here and a sniff there.

I walked on without her. Sometimes she comes with me, sometimes she hangs about for a while. Sometimes she wanders after me when she sees I am more than further away than she wants, sometimes she lets me get quite far away then comes running at after me at full tilt.

As I got to the last couple of hundred yards of the field I heard the tell tale thunder of paws on the ground. I turned round and shot a few frames as she got closer. A very few shots. Three. Getting closer happens very quickly.

There is only one slight problem with this game ... Maeve has no brakes !

You might like to bear in mind that she weighs about 37 kilos (almost 6 stones) and loves to race by so close you can feel the breeze in her wake move your trousers. Today she chose the other wheel track to charge along. That spared me my usual part in the proceedings which is to dodge out of the way at the last moment. Choosing which way to move is not to be taken lightly :-)

Calm restored, we carried on our walk and went down to the beach. The tide was well out and there was lots of seaweed along the shoreline by the channel in the rocks so no paddling for Maeve today. Instead we watched 'Valhalla VI' and another larger boat working their way along attending to the creels. I found myself wondering if the owner of 'Shamara II' and his son are using another boat out of Arbroath harbour to work their creels.

I found three little pieces of coloured ceramic and did take a couple of shots of them. Just for fun I thought a shot of Maeve in full flight might be the one to post :-)

Update: We have just returned from our evening walk. There are bales in the field with the bridle path. Big rectangular ones. Other fields nearby have round ones. I hope they are still there on Friday when I will have my next opportunity to blip them !

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