Slowly, but surely....

Hi everyone!

So, my persuasive English essay is slowly, but surely, taking shape. As you can see, I'm writing it about Ryanair. I've never actually flown with them, but I've heard so many bad things, (and being an AVGeek, I actually know a lot of facts), so I avoid them. Not everything in it is my opinion, but as it's persuasive, I have to 'ignore' the other side of things, which I find quite difficult.

Anyway, nothing massively interesting happened at school. I'm bringing my camera to school for photography (The actual school subject, not just for fun!), so that should be interesting. Hopefully I'll get to learn how to use it better (That sentence doesn't sound right....). Oh, and I got an A on my 'Soils' geography test, which I'm really happy about!

And finally, I've got a bit of a dilemma for tomorrow. At lunchtime, the S1/2 book club is taking place, which I promised to help with. However, The Debate Club is also happening, and I don't know which one to go to. I'm sure I'll figure it out.... Hopefully.....

Have a good Wednesday!

Steven :)

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