
By Stace91

"Not An Exit"

When entering the doctors office this morning (my results were all good) I noticed this sign on the glass window beside the elevator... It left me with one question.

How many times have people had to walk into the window that a sign has had to be put up?

I couldn't help but laugh as I was taking the photo, it took a few efforts as my hand kept shaking from my laughter... I finally got a clear shot! As my mother would say "Stacy, you have the devil in you"

I also had the below video playing in my mind which didn't help!

Hope you can get a chuckle out of it... And remember it is okay to laugh at others as long as you can also laugh at yourself (or something like that... I don't know but people running into things is funny *insert evil laugh here* :-P )

Oh The Hilarity!!

P.S no nurses were injured at the hospital today, but I have my eye on that place!! I spoke to the manager and we are working together to make sure nan has a comfortable stay until she gets well.


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