
By BoydMcAdam

Life is a rich .....

...Tapestry. Or at least Scotland's history now is. After day of watching proceedings on the passage of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill and catching up on paperwork I had a meeting in the Scottish Parliament in the early evening.

The public reception area can be a slightly somber area but tonight was hugely enlivened by the recently unveiled 500ft tapestry of Scotland's 420 million year history. A mass of panels depicting key events from the animals after the ice age, through the key battles, John Knox and the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the industrialisation of Scotland, the miners' strike and this more recent event, the reconvening of the Scottish Parliament.

Each panel is both colourful and crammed with information and detail. It merits a long leisurely examination to appreciate it. Not the couple of minutes I had. Already longer than the Bayeux Tapestry it will be added to over time. Well worth catching it on display.

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