Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

two little mini pinks all ready for school

So the big day has arrived. Both mini pinks have started new big chapters in their little lives today; Master Pink has become a "junior" and Miss Pink started school.

So this morning over breakfast I asked them;

What are you looking forward to most about school this term?

Master Pink; a new playground, and wearing my new light up school shoes. And seeing Daniel because I haven't seen him all holidays.

Miss Pink; I'm looking forward to the playing bit. My teacher is Miss Jennings. Mrs Levy is our helper teacher.

Master Pink went off to school quite happily. It felt very strange not taking him round to his playground. Another little bit of independence. Apparently Juniors is VERY different to Infants. "They have "men's toilets" and a handdryer in the boys loos. And you have to buy snack, can I have some money tomorrow please?" "Oh and Mr Page taught us how to use Google Maps, can I go on it now?" Two of my friends in my class have broken arms."

Miss Pink has spent the whole morning telling everyone that she is going to school this afternoon. It's been very cute, she is clearly so excited. We went to feed the ducks this morning. I'm still clinging on to the special moments I can grab before she goes full time at school. We had lunch and then got changed into her uniform. She was very excited to put all her new things on. She posed for photos in the garden before taking her blazer and cardigan off. Bless her, she carried her school "handbag" and her treasure box all the way to school. We met a couple of classmates along the road, to which she said "I'm going to go to school now, I'm going to be in reception class. I know where it is, come on, follow me." She was also the first in the line when the teacher came to get them. When I came to pick her up she was a little quiet, I think probably just tired. But later she told me that they'd been to see all the other "schools" and had seen her brother and her year 6 buddy. She had played outside. She came home with a bag and her reading journal and school reading book in it. And a library book that we've read this evening. I think she enjoyed her first afternoon.

Oh they grow up too quickly.

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