
This morning we all walked to school together. Joti will sometimes want to hold your hand and other times won't, usually when we want her to as we are crossing a road or something! She wanted to hold Kaz's hand here and then Spence wanted to hold Joti's! It was all very cute!

Joti went to Fleur this morning while I did the accounts then I went in to school for an hour. We were doing 3D shapes today outside and we had a treasure hunt! I hid them then kids had to find them and tell me what shape they had found, then they had to hide them then go find someone else's! They loved it!

I picked up Joti, did the food shopping then went to school to pick up Spence! Kaz went to Brisbane this afternoon to a house inspection then a property meeting and the kids were hard work! Lots of whinging, crying and tiredness! We had tea at 5, in the bath at 5.30, Joti in bed at 6.30, Spence at 7 and me at 7.45!!

Tomorrow Spence's class go to Australia Zoo which they are all super excited about!!

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