
Hi Tom,

While I've been away this little bundle of fun has been quite a naughty boy. I'm sure that's what he was answering to...naughty boy. He has chewed his way through about six pairs of socks...he loves a sock, a few pencils, magazines, receipts, a tea towel, flip flops, plastic bags and anything else he could get hold of. I blame Nick and Alex for leaving everything within easy reach of him. They said he should learn to do as he is told and shouldn't be climbing on the table...they do have a point. Hopefully by the time you come home at Christmas we will have stopped the chewing....or God help the Christmas tree!

Talking of Christmas and ...I don't really want to...I went to Tesco today and not only do they have all the Christmas cards in but they have selection boxes and chocolate Santas. It's crazy.

Well as you can imagine there has been a lot of tidying up to do and a lot of washing as well. So that's been my day....unlike yours.

Your visit to San Francisco sounds amazing. I would so love to have been there seeing the seals, Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, pier 39, the wine vineyards it all sounds wonderful. I hope you win your game tonight. If you play like the boy I watched you will do really well....keep me posted.

I guess I had better get on with the chores. X

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