A twisty turny...
...uppy downy kind of a day. Another dreadful night's sleep. I presumed I was just keyed up on behalf of the kids for La Rentrée, but it seems that being awake between 2 and 6 has become a habit. Instead of going back to bed (like yesterday - when I woke at 10.30 feeling even worse) I figured I'd bake my way out of it. Two gingerbread loafs, a tea loaf and a load of cookies (which will be gobbled up by tomorrow given the way the kids set about them). Then Mr B called a halt to kitchen activities by getting on with a DIY job that meant putting everything in the kitchen on the table. So I cleaned windows (wow - turns out some of them are see-through if you rub hard enough) and continued the big 'oh my god my in-laws are coming' tidy. Getting there, but the temperamental hoover which gives up after 3 minutes and needs a 4 hour nap to get going again is not helping my quest of keeping Mr B (dust allergy - so no sweeping please - happy.
And then the strimmer wouldn't work (again). Despite Mr B taking it to bits. When I put it back together I can get it to fire up... but only for 3 seconds, then it cuts. Sigh.
Anyway, all this left me at the end of the day just keyed up and not able to relax. Even wandering around my garden looking at stuff didn't help. Even sitting in the comfy garden chair with a huge glass of wine and a cookery book didn't help. But seeing that the ipomea are about to burst into flower was a little bit of good news at the end of the day. I've never grown them before and wondered if they were going to bother flowering at all.
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