Odd Days

By odddays

Clock Tower

Today we have a guest blipper! Mr. Odd Days shot this picture of the mechanism running the clock tower atop the original county courthouse. It's a 4-sided clock and the bell can be heard around town chiming every 15 minutes. The clock was installed in the early 1900s. Mr. Odd Days and Girly took a tour of the building today and, amazingly enough, were the only ones on the tour taking pictures!

I skipped the tour so I could run some errands and work on the to-do list. The next two weeks promise to be quite hectic as I prepare for summer camp -- 120 people will eat a lot of food in a week. I'm not in charge of cooking all the meals (thankfully) but I do get to order the food and am the lead cook for dinner. If my blips get a little erratic, you'll know why. :)

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