Photos in A Major

By A


Descending Mount Sief, or the tooth of Sief as its now known. This is all that is left after the Austrians used 45T of dynamite to try to recapture it from the Italians. This was after the Italians had removed the top of Col Di Lana (together with 120 Austrians). All of this happened at 2500 m+ during 29 months in the First World War.

The last walk of the holiday, and this one incorporating a grade 1 via Ferrata, it may only be a baby VF, however without any harnesses it was fairly exposed, similar to CMD or Crib Goch I suppose, just with a handrail! We've had a great time and some awesome walking, made all the better by the chap you can just see in this photo (brown hat and shirt), this is John our non-guiding walk organiser. A retiring GP from Taunton (but of Irish origin!), a WW1 history expert and a jolly good chap to have a beer with!

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