Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Welcome to my parlor

Said the spider to the fly.

I've honestly never seen as many spiders in a home as I have since moving back from SA to the UK. There are some scary looking big spiders and even some hairy ones too in SA, but they never really came into the house (except the odd rain spider) but here, I'm forever chasing them out!

I do love their webs especially with early morning dew upon them.

Had a phone call this morning from the heart was racing wondering why they were phoning, but all is well, it was one of the Student Support Mentors phoning to introduce herself and find out how Blaine felt he got on, on his first day, She gave me her contact details and told me not to hesitate to call or email, should I ever have any concerns or want to discuss anything with her. I thought that was lovely and nice to know that there are such supportive staff at a school. I'm feeling more relaxed today, and although I have thought of Blaine constantly again, it's not with as much worry.

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