But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Woodland Walk.

Merlin tends to be a bit of a b***** when I take him for walks on Thursdays, maybe it's partly because Mrs TD works on Thursdays and he resents the desertion but, mostly he likes company around him on these occasions. I managed to get him this far from the car by tagging along with a family and their dog, that is: he walked with them while I followed at a discrete distance pretending he wasn't with me. I will admit he's in my care, if challenged, and explain his problem but generally, I just try to avoid embarrassing situations.

This path is officially closed, it runs along the top of an eroded bank of the river and the cooncil deem it as unsafe. We stopped walking dogs along it the day one of our aged dogs (suffering from dementia) came close to falling down the ten foot drop into the river; she was saved by her collar and lead. However, as you can see, there are no signs of the path becoming overgrown and it does lead to some pleasant scenery.

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